- SVG-in-CSS Generic Houdini worklet to draw SVG shapes
- Random irregular grid with CSS Houdini
- Random bubbles mask with CSS Houdini
- Smooth corners with CSS Houdini
SVG Sprites with
- Progressive blur with CSS & SVG
- Shine effect in pure CSS (+SVG) Using masks, pseudo-elements and gradients
- Inner borders Draw inner borders with CSS Houdini
- SVG Path Layout with CSS Houdini
- Dynamic hover masks with CSS Houdini
- CSS Houdini Rocks Very experimental
- CSS & SVG Masks Testcases on HTML content
- Morphing (hamburger) menu
- UI with rotating color scheme
- Sticky Elements Fun UI experiment with sticky elements
- Speedometer PWA Progressive Web App
- Media-queries Level 4 test Show currently active media-queries
- Advanced CSS filters
- CSS debugging is hard
- Highlighter marker annotations with CSS Houdini
- Slanted backgrounds with CSS Houdini
- Deep dive CSS: font metrics, line-height and vertical-align
- Pleeease - CSS tool (pre-postprocessors) Optimize your workflow
- Skeuomorphic Payment Experiment An online payment experiment that visually simulates a credit card
- Book: CSS3 Le design web moderne (in French) Éditions Dunod